
Company Introduction 公司介绍:We are RITCHY GROUP, an European company;我们是利奇集团下属深圳睿思奇科技开发有限公司,欧洲外商独资企业;We focus on E-cigarette and E-liquid products;公司专注于电子烟及电子烟油产品;We have Business center in EU, United States and Hong Kong;公司在欧洲、美国及中国香港均设有分公司;We have own R&D center and factory in Shenzhen;公司在深圳设立了研发中心和工厂;We are searching for Professional and Creative team partners;公司正在寻找专业、睿智并富有创新思维的伙伴;We will provide you fast development opportunity and new ways of working;我们将会提供您与公司一起快速成长的机会以及新型的工作思维模式;You will recognize your changes and growth in our team, we are waiting for you!你会在我们的团队中见证自己的价值,我们期待你的加入!More detail:更多详情请登录网站: Introduction产品介绍:E-cigarette电子烟Ritchy E-cigarette series products provide fully new, unique and reliable design, has the development integration of many technical subjects;睿思奇电子烟系列产品具有全新独特可靠的设计,具有前卫跨学科的技术整合研发;We have many specialists in various kinds of technical and technology fields;我们拥有各类学科,工艺的专家团队进行技术指导;We own specialized team for product design, part and product validation;我们拥有专业的产品设计,零部件及整机专业的验证确认团队;We develop many devices made in house for validation and internal certification of reliability,approval tests and lean production to be cost efficiency.我们自主开发电子烟可靠性内部认证设备,型式认证设备,精益生产设备。E-Liquid 电子烟油Our raw materials come from food flavors with high quality, natural and organic certification, and our food grade are qualified according to JECFA, FEMA, EFSA, China GB2760 as well as other safety standard. Our products are called pharmaceutical grade PG, pharmaceutical grade VG, and pharmaceutical grade nicotine.我们的香精原料全部来源于全球,食品级的天然香精符合JECFA、FEMA、EFSA、中国GB2760等安全标准;药品级的PG、VG和尼古丁符合最权威的美国药典USP标准。Our products are with cigarette suction feeling, natural flavor which is realistic, mellow and lasting.我们的产品具有卷烟的抽吸感觉,香味自然逼真、醇厚持久。Our products are of over 100 kinds, including tastes of tobacco, sweets, fruits, strong, berries, drinks etc.我们的产品风味有100多种,分为烟草类、甜点类、水果类、薄荷类、浆果类、饮料类等。We provide various kinds of tastes according to our client's demands.我们可定制各种风味产品,最大程度满足客户需求。Tel:0755-23578910

公司地址:宝安区固戍东方建富愉盛工业园6栋1楼 (邮编:518126)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称: 深圳睿思奇科技开发有限公司
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